PrimExpo expands its merchandise by completing its offerings related to the world of outdoor life, dedicating more than 2,000 square meters of exhibition space to Outdoor Tourism.

Inside Hall 7 will be space for tour operators who make traveling in close contact with nature their philosophy: tour operators, agritourisms, campgrounds, bed and breakfasts, glamping, adventure travel, service agencies and more.

Exhibitors will be provided with a space where they can tell about their business and territory, including through tastings and guided experiences.

Chasing the ever-increasing demands of the Swiss market, an entire air will also be dedicated to the world of Camper & Caravan with more than 100 vehicles on display, equipment and services from the best brands in the industry. Here exhibitors will be able to let people touch their vehicles and services, offer personalized sales advice, in a display setting with a strong scenic impact.